World Religion Database: glossary

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo, ed., World Religion Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Glossary item Definition
local race Demographic unit variously defined as culture province, culture net, culture area, culture sphere, nation, national race, local breeding population, reproductive isolate, genetically distinct population.
local religion A single ethnoreligion or tribal religion restricted to a local tribes, or peoples, population.
low spiritists Afro-American spiritists (qv).
macro region United Nations definition of continent, dividing the world into 6 such regions; previously named continental area now replaced by major area.
macroreligion A global or worldwide religion or family of religions, usually with from 20 to 100 million adherents.
macrozone One of 10 global zones used in language classification.
Mahayanists The Greater Vehicle school of Buddhists (qv), or Northern Buddhism (China, Japan, et alia).
mahdi A Muslim leader who assumes a messianic role.
Maitreya (Sanskrit). In Buddhism, the Buddha who is to be the next to appear on earth; a bodhisattva.
major area UN term used in statistical enumerations instead of the looser term continent.
major civil division (MCD) United Nations term for the next level of administrative or political subdivision in a country immediately below nationwide level.
male_and_female Whether both males and females are included in survey. Some of the Demographic and Health Surveys only include women.
Malikites Followers of Malikiya, one of the 4 schools or rites of Sunni Muslim law.
mallam In West Africa, a Muslim religious practitioner or cleric.
Mandaeans Gnostics (Mandaiia), followers of 2nd-century- AD syncretistic Jewish-Christian fertility religion (Christians of St John, Followers of John the Baptist, Dippers, Sabaeans, Nasoreans), regarding John the Baptist as the Messiah; found today only in Iraq and Iran.
mandala (Sanskrit: circle). A sacred design that represents the universe as an aid to meditation.
Mantrayana The Tantrism school of Buddhists; Tantrayana (qv).
Maoism The teachings of Mao Tse-tung regarded as a secular quasi-religion.
marabout In West Africa, a charismatic Muslim practitioner.
Maroon A Mulatto (qv).
Marranos Christianized Jews or Moors (Muslims) of medieval and contemporary Spain and Portugal who accepted forced conversion in the 15th century to escape persecution or death, but who still to this day secretly practice the Passover and other Jewish rites; also called Anusim, New Christians, Secret Jews, Crypto-Jews, Conversos. Total: 300000
masjid (Arabic). A mosque (qv).
Masonic Belonging to or connected with Freemasons (qv) or Freemasonry.
materialism Preoccupation with material things rather than intellectual or spiritual things.
maternal mortality rate The annual number of deaths of women from pregnancy-related causes per 100,000 live births.
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