World Religion Database: glossary

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo, ed., World Religion Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Glossary item Definition
country A term covering both (a) sovereign nations, and (b) nonsovereign territories (dependencies or colonies) which are not integral parts of larger parent nations.
creole A hybrid or pijin language which has now consolidated into a language with its own mother tongue speakers.
culture A grouping of identical peoples in different countries all with the same total pattern of human behavior and its products.
culture cluster Termed here an ethnocultural family.
culture net Termed here a local race.
culture world Major 7-part culture classification variously defined as culture civilization, with its own characteristic culture worldview, and culture lifestyle, particularly noted for its stylized skin color or pigmentation, biogenetic pool, color pool.
dagoba A stupa (qv).
Daoists Followers of the philosophical, ethical, and religious traditions of China, sometimes regarded as part of Chinese folk-religion. Also spelt Taoists.
defections Individuals lost from a religion or religious body either to other religions or religious bodies or to no religion (agnosticism, atheism).
deist An adherent of deism, a rationalist movement based on natural religion, reason and morality, and belief in an otiose God.
demography The scientific and statistical study of human populations, primarily with respect to their size, structure, density, growth, distribution, development, migration and vital statistics.
dharma (Sanskrit). In Hinduism, social custom, the caste system, religion, the body of cosmic principles by which all things exist; in Buddhism, ideal truth element of existence.
diaspora A people of one country dispersed into other countries; the migration, spread, scattering, exile of a people abroad; especially the dispersion of Christians isolated from their own communions.
Digambara (Sky-clad, or Naked, or Botika). A member of a major schism (AD 83) within Jainism originally abandoning all worldly possessions including clothes, and asserting that women cannot attain salvation.
disaffiliated Christians Dechristianized persons, or post-Christians: baptized Catholics (or other Christians) enumerated as affiliated by a majority or state-linked church but who have recently formally withdrawn or disaffiliated themselves completely from Christianity and now profess to be non-religious (agnostics) or atheists; i.e. recent withdrawals from state or majority churches still however regarded as members by those churches, although in fact now backsliders, lapsed, or apostates.
disbelief Refusal to believe; withholding or rejection of belief; atheism, skepticism, irreligion.
disestablishment The act of a state in sundering the legal relationships between it and its established church or churches.
Divine Science See Religious Science.
divinity The science of divine things; the science that deals with God, his laws and moral government, and the way of salvation; theology.
doubly-counted religionists Persons counted as belonging to 2 or more religions, hence counted twice in censuses.
Druzes Members of an 11th-century Muslim Shia Ismaili schism with Christian and Jewish elements; strongest in Syria and Lebanon.
Dupka Karma-pa or Red Hat (Unreformed) Lamaism (qv).
Eastern Orthodox Chalcedonian Christians, sometimes collectively referred to as Greek Orthodox and excluding Oriental Orthodox (qv).
Eastern rite (Oriental-rite) Catholics. All Catholics or Catholics in communion with the Church of Rome who follow rites other than the Latin rite (totaling 28 rites and sub-rites). A full listing is given in Table 1-5.
education rate Percentage of the school-age population (aged 5-24) who are enrolled in schools.
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