World Religion Database: glossary

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo, ed., World Religion Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Glossary item Definition
neo-paganism Revived or new paganism, as in Iceland.
Neoreligionists Adherents of Hindu or Buddhist sects or offshoots, or new syncretistic religions combining Christianity with Eastern religions, mostly in Asia.
net See language net, culture net.
New religionists Followers of the so-called New Religions of Asia, mostly founded after 1945. Mainly Hindu or Buddhist sects/offshoots, or new syncretistic religions combining Christianity with Eastern religions. Sometimes termed Neoreligionists.
New Religions The so-called Asiatic 20th-century New Religions, New Religious movements, or radical new crisis religions (new Far Eastern or Asiatic indigenous non-Christian syncretistic mass religions, founded since 1800 and mostly since 1945) including the Japanese neo-Buddhist and neo-Shinto new religious movements, and Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese and Indonesian syncretistic religions, et alia. See Neoeligionists.
New Thought A mental healing movement embracing a number of small groups and organizations devoted to spiritual healing, the creative power of constructive thinking, and personal guidance from an inner presence.
New-Religionists Neoreligionists (qv).
nirvana (Sanskrit). In Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism, the state of freedom from karma, extinction of desire, passion and illusion.
nomenklatura (Russian) Privileged bureaucratic elites in Communist or formerly-Communist countries.
non-adherents Persons who are not adherents of any religion; non-religious, agnostics or atheists.
non-believers Persons who are not adherents of or believers in any religion; non-religious, agnostics or atheists.
non-native language Any language understood by a people although not their mother tongue.
non-native speakers Speakers of a language as a second or third or other language.
nonreligion Absence of religion, replaced by either non-militant agnosticism or militant atheism.
nonreligionists Term encompassing both (a) agnostics; and (b) atheists.
nonreligionists Term encompassing the 2 varieties of unbeliever: (a) agnostics or secularists or materialists, who are nonreligious but not hostile to religion, and (b) atheists or anti-religious/anti-religionists militantly opposed or hostile to religion.
non-religious Buddhists Persons whose family religion is Buddhism but who as individuals profess to have no personal religion.
non-religious quasi-religionists Adherents of non-religious quasi-religions (some forms of agnosticism, fascism, humanism, liberal humanism, nationalism, Nazism, some forms of non-religion or secularism).
nonsighted persons The blind.
nonsovereign country A political entity or country which is not free of external control, hence not a nation but a colony or other dependent territory.
Northern Buddhism Mahayana (qv).
Nusayris Alawites (qv).
occult The mysterious, supernatural, secret, esoteric in religion and magic.
organized religion A religion as formally organized by subdivisions, schools, sects, denominations or other bodies or groupings requiring membership.
Oriental Jews The third major group of Diaspora Jews, after Ashkenazis (German-rite) and Sefardis (Spanish-rite); sometimes treated as a sub-division of Sefardis; Arabicspeaking Jews from North Africa and the Middle East.
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