World Religion Database: field definitions

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo, ed., World Religion Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Table Field Description
people Language ID ID number of the primary language spoken by this people.
people Largest religion code Religion code of the largest religion of this people group.
people Largest religion percent Percentage of the largest religion of this people group.
people Muslims Muslim population for this people group in this country.
people New religionists New religionist population for this people group in this country.
people Note Additional descriptive data for this people group in this country.
people People % Persons in this people group as % country.
people People % 2000 Persons in this people group as % country in year 2000.
people People Name Name of this ethno-linguistic people group.
people People population Number of persons in this people group, in 2020.
people People reference number Unique reference number (primary key) for each people group.
people Pop 2000 Persons in this people group in year 2000.
people Pop 2025 Projected number of persons in this people group, in 2025.
people Religion Note Percentage makeup by religion code.
people Religion note 2000 Percentage makeup by religion code.
people ROP2 ID Number of the ROP People cluster (which in turn is alloted to a top level Affinity Bloc).
people Shintoists Shintoist population for this people group in this country. These are Japanese who profess, or still profess, Shinto as their first or major religion.
people Sikhs Sikh population for this people group in this country. These are followers of the Sikh reform movement out of Hinduism, who look to the Golden Temple in Amritsar, India (sects: Akali, Khalsa, Nanapanthi, Nirmali, Sewapanthi, Udasi).
people Source ID ID of the source of the percentage of the country's population.
people Spiritists Spiritist population for this people group in this country. These are Non-Christian spiritists or spiritualists, or thaumaturgicalists; high spiritists, as opposed to low spiritists (Afro-American syncretists), followers of medium-religions, medium-religionists.
people WLC Language code World Language Classification language code.
people WLC Language ID World Language Classification ID number.
people Zoroastrians Zoroastrian population for this people group in this country. Zoroastrianism is a religion founded in Persia in BC 1200 by the prophet Zoroaster teaching the worship of Ahura Mazda, now followed by Parsis in India and a large underground presence in Iran, Afghanistan, et alia.
people_other Autoglossonym Peoples own name for their language.
people_other Country code Four-letter abbreviation assigned to country for database purposes.
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