World Religion Database: field definitions

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo, ed., World Religion Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Table Field Description
country Country Pop 1930 This figure represents the country's total population in 1930.
country Country Pop 1950 This figure represents the country's total population in 1950.
country Country Pop 1970 This figure represents the country's total population in 1970.
country Country Pop 1975 This figure represents the country's total population in 1975.
country Country Pop 2000 This figure represents the country's total population in 2000.
country Country Pop 2005 This figure represents the country's total population in 2005.
country Country Pop 2010 This figure represents the country's total population in 2010.
country Country Pop 2015 This figure represents the country's total population in 2015.
country Country Pop 2020 This figure represents the country's total population in 2020. [primary source: UN: World Population Prospects: The 2022 Revision].
country Country Pop 2020 (base year) This figure represents the country's total population in 2020. [primary source: UN: World Population Prospects: The 2022 Revision].
country Country Pop 2021 This figure represents the country's total population in 2021.
country Country Pop 2022 This figure represents the country's total population in 2022.
country Country Pop 2023 Given current trends, this figure represents a projection of this country's population by mid 2023.
country Country Pop 2024 Given current trends, this figure represents a projection of this country's population by mid 2024.
country Country Pop 2025 Given current trends, this figure represents a projection of this country's population by mid 2025.
country Country Pop 2030 Given current trends, this figure represents a projection of this country's population by mid 2030.
country Country Pop 2050 Given current trends, this figure represents a projection of this country's population by mid 2050.
country Country Pop 2075 Given current trends, this figure represents a projection of this country's population by mid 2075.
country Country Pop 2100 Given current trends, this figure represents a projection of this country's population by mid 2100.
country Daoist % Number of Daoists as a percentage of the country's population in year 2020. These are followers of one of the 3 major religions of China, regarded as part of Chinese folk religion.
country Daoists Number of Daoists in this country's population. These are followers of one of the 3 major religions of China, regarded as part of Chinese folk religion.
country Death % Death rate for this country as a percentage per year. Source material is expressed as cases per 1000. Primary source: United Nations 2022.
country Education % Population with at least some secondary education (% aged 25 and above). Primary source: Barro and Lee (2018), ICF Macro Demographic and Health Surveys, OECD (2022), UNESCO Institute for Statistics (2022) and UNICEF Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys. (in HDR 2022).
country Electricity access % Proportion of population with access to electricity. Primary source: World Bank.
country Ethnic religionist % Number of Ethnic religionists as a percentage of the country's population in year 2020. "Ethnic religionists" is a collective term for primal religionists, animists, spirit-worshippers, shamanists, ancestor-venerators, polytheists, pantheists, traditionalists (in Africa), local or tribal folk-religionists; including adherents of neo-paganism or non-Christian local or tribal syncretistic or nativistic movements, cargo cults, witchcraft eradication cults, possession healing movements, tribal messianic movements; still occasionally termed pagans, heathen, fetishists; usually confined each to a single tribe or people, hence tribal or local as opposed to universal (open to any or all peoples).
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