Data source: Gina A. Zurlo, ed., World Religion Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).
Table | Field | Description |
version_2020_people | People % | Persons in this people group as % country. |
version_2020_people | People % 2000 | Persons in this people group as % country in year 2000. |
version_2020_people | People Name | Name of this ethno-linguistic people group. |
version_2020_people | People population | Number of persons in this people group, in 2020. |
version_2020_people | People reference number | Unique reference number (primary key) for each People group. |
version_2020_people | Pop 2000 | Persons in this people group in year 2000. |
version_2020_people | Pop 2025 | Projected number of persons in this people group, in 2025. |
version_2020_people | Religion Note | Percentage makeup by religion code. |
version_2020_people | Religion note 2000 | Percentage makeup by religion code. |
version_2020_people | ROP2 ID | Harvest Information Standard's Registry of Peoples level 2 people cluster code. |
version_2020_people | Shintoists | Shintoist population for this people group in this country. These are Japanese who profess, or still profess, Shinto as their first or major religion. |
version_2020_people | Sikhs | Sikh population for this people group in this country. These are followers of the Sikh reform movement out of Hinduism, who look to the Golden Temple in Amritsar, India (sects: Akali, Khalsa, Nanapanthi, Nirmali, Sewapanthi, Udasi). |
version_2020_people | Source of People % | the primary source of the population estimate. |
version_2020_people | Spiritists | Spiritist population for this people group in this country. These are Non-Christian spiritists or spiritualists, or thaumaturgicalists; high spiritists, as opposed to low spiritists (Afro-American syncretists), followers of medium-religions, medium-religionists. |
version_2020_people | Version 2020 Country code | Four-letter abbreviation assigned to country for database purposes. |
version_2020_people | WLC Language code | World Language Classification language code. |
version_2020_people | WLC Language ID | World Language Classification ID number. |
version_2020_people | Zoroastrians | Zoroastrian population for this people group in this country. Zoroastrianism is a religion founded in Persia in BC 1200 by the prophet Zoroaster teaching the worship of Ahura Mazda, now followed by Parsis in India and a large underground presence in Iran, Afghanistan, et alia. |
version_2020_province | Area square km | Area covered by Major Civil Division (United Nations’ term for the next level of administrative or political subdivision in a country immediately below nationwide level) in square kilometers in this province. |
version_2020_province | Area square miles | Area covered by Major Civil Division (United Nations’ term for the next level of administrative or political subdivision in a country immediately below nationwide level) in square miles in this province. |
version_2020_province | Country | Country of this Province. |
version_2020_province | Governmental Favoritism Index | Governmental Favoritism of religion Index, 0-10, low is less favoritism: a comparative measure of the actions of the state that provide one religion or a small group of religions special privileges, support, or favorable sanctions. |
version_2020_province | Governmental Restrictions Index | Governmental Restrictions of religion Index, 0-10, low is less restriction: a comparative measure of the actions of the state that deny religious freedoms including any actions that impinge on the practice, profession, or selection of religion. |
version_2020_province | Note | Additional descriptive data for this province. |
version_2020_province | Province | Name of the Major Civil Division (United Nations’ term for the next level of administrative or political subdivision in a country immediately below nationwide level) as it is known to its inhabitants. |
Data on 18 categories of religion, including non-religious, by country, province, and people.
Data on all religions, Christian activities, and trends.
Membership data, year begun, and rates of change.
Population and religion data on all major cities & provinces.
Detailed information covering religion, culture, and geography.
A repository of historical data, including a chronology of Christianity from the 1st to 21st centuries.