World Religion Database: field definitions

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo, ed., World Religion Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Table Field Description
version_2015_survey Survey Year Survey or census year.
version_2015_survey Translations of survey report Language of available survey text.
version_2015_survey Valid Sample Size Number of people surveyed. For DHS surveys, the number of women surveyed is reported rather than adding men and women together because the sampling was done by households (adding men and women together would inflate the valid sample size).
version_2015_survey Version 2015 Country code Four-letter abbreviation assigned to country for database purposes.
version_2015_survey Weighting Adjustments to data to be representative.
version_2015_survey_locality Cases Number of people surveyed in this locality. If there are less than 100 cases this locality will not appear in province results except from the single province's detailed metadata screen.
version_2015_survey_locality Locality religion summary Quick locality summary by major religion.
version_2015_survey_locality Note Survey locality note.
version_2015_survey_locality Province ID number of the associated WRD province.
version_2015_survey_locality Province religion summary Quick province summary by major religion. (same as locality summary unless there are more than one localities surveyed in a province).
version_2015_survey_locality Survey ID ID of the survey.
version_2015_survey_locality Survey locality ID Unique identifier (primary key) the survey locality (the locality as reported in the survey).
version_2015_survey_locality Survey locality name The survey's name for the locality, province, part of a province, or region, actually surveyed.
version_2015_survey_locality_religion Adherents % of province Percentage of adherents in this province as reported in this census.
version_2015_survey_locality_religion Adherents note Adherents note.
version_2015_survey_locality_religion Census-Locality-Religion ID Unique identifier (primary key) used by the database.
version_2015_survey_locality_religion Survey ID ID of the survey.
version_2015_survey_locality_religion Survey locality ID ID of the survey locality (the locality name as reported in the survey).
version_2015_survey_locality_religion Survey Religion The survey's name for the religion actually surveyed.
version_2015_survey_religion Adherents % of country For country surveys only: percentage of adherents in this country as reported by this survey.
version_2015_survey_religion Religion code WRD Religion code.
version_2015_survey_religion Survey ID ID of the survey.
version_2015_survey_religion Survey religion ID ID of the survey religion (the religion name as reported in the survey).
version_2015_survey_religion Survey Religion Name Religion name as used in the survey.
version_2015_survey_religion Survey Religion Note Survey Religion Note.
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