World Religion Database: field definitions

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo, ed., World Religion Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Table Field Description
version_2015_survey Fieldwork Dates Dates that the survey was carried out.
version_2015_survey Languages Survey languages.
version_2015_survey Languages Offered Survey languages.
version_2015_survey Localities Number of localities reported in this survey.
version_2015_survey Main country ID The main country of this survey (rarely does a survey cover more then one country).
version_2015_survey Male and Female Both genders were surveyed.
version_2015_survey Mode Way people were interviewed.
version_2015_survey Multiple Languages 1 = More than one survey language.
version_2015_survey Note Survey Note.
version_2015_survey Population covered % Population of all provinces covered (sampled for) in this survey, as a percentage of the country's population.
version_2015_survey Portion Not Covered Portion of population not covered in census (see Survey note).
version_2015_survey Provinces 100 cases % Percent of provinces with large enough sample (over 100 cases) to show in results screens. Results for localities with less than 100 cases can be seen, but only from the "Survey Detail" tab of the individual province.
version_2015_survey Provinces covered % Pct of provinces in survey.
version_2015_survey Question Type Way religion question was asked.
version_2015_survey Question Wording Wording of religion question.
version_2015_survey Religious Categories No. religions in survey.
version_2015_survey Representative Coverage Representative of entire country?
version_2015_survey Response Rate Pct of sample that gave answers.
version_2015_survey Sample Design Method of survey's sample.
version_2015_survey Sample Universe Part of population surveyed.
version_2015_survey Source Type The type of survey (e.g. DHS, WVS, Pew).
version_2015_survey Survey Country The country name as identified in the survey report.
version_2015_survey Survey ID Unique identifier (primary key) used by the database.
version_2015_survey Survey Name Full name of the survey.
version_2015_survey Survey Short Name Shortened name of the survey.
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